Conditions Treated & Services Provided
I provide educational and hands on workshops geared to your club’s coaches, to your athletes or for your athletic trainers and other rehab staff that work with your athletes. These workshops typically focus on being able to identify common risk factors for injuries that lead to time off the water for the athlete. Participants also learn mobility skills to address these issues, as well as an erg progression and rehab progression that I typically use with athletes.
These screenings examine each athlete in your club. I look at overall mobility and strength issues that can lead to injuries. After each screening, I collect data and will provide you, as the coach, with scores for you to utilize as you progress your athletes through the season. I will also provide you with mobility and exercises you can add to your training sessions based on the results in the screenings.
I evaluate and treat a wide variety of conditions and movement dysfunctions. Some examples are listed below. If you have a question regarding an injury you do not see here, please email or call and I can give you more information or help refer you to a practitioner that is appropriate.
Low back pain
Neck pain
Pre- and postoperative orthopedic care
ACL rehabilitation
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Repetitive stress injuries
Elbow and shoulder injuries
Knee injuries
Foot and ankle injuries
Spine Rehabilitation including post operative care
Ergonomics and Injury Prevention
Herniated Discs
Muscle or Joint Pain
Strains or Sprains
My focus in treatment is a very hands-on approach. I will spend much of the visit performing manual therapy, either soft tissue work on muscles, fascia and tendons or joint mobilization and functional mobilizations. I will use modalities as needed and teach you exercises to do at home. Much of the success of my clients comes from those that are self-motivated to do the work at home or at the gym to allow our visits to be spent getting the work done on your body that you cannot do yourself. Here are some of the treatment techniques I use on a regular basis:
Joint mobilization
Myofascial release and soft-tissue mobilization
Functional Mobilizations
Preventative therapy and patient education programs
Neural tension testing and treatment
Neuromuscular muscle re-education
Spinal stabilization program
Biomechanical assessment
Electrotherapy including muscle re-education and interferential
I also provide a mobility screening that is rowing specific included with a comprehensive assessment of the athletes rowing skills on the erg. A video analysis will be taken and a copy given to the athlete to review at home, and with their coach. Appropriate mobility exercises will be given, as well as rowing specific drills to address any findings. Athletes can then follow up at anytime for a brief assessment to address any further issues.
Treating patients in my Berkeley office.
With members of the gold medal-winning USA Women's 8+ at the 2015 World Championships in Aiguebelette, France.